Day: April 8, 2024
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-VI: Social Aspect of Chhattisgarh (छत्तीसगढ़ का सामाजिक परिदृश्य)
Paper- VI (General Studies- IV: Philosophy and Sociology) (200 Marks) Part 03: Social Aspect of Chhattisgarh Tribal social organization: Marriage, Family, Clan, youth dormitories. 2021 Write an essay on the…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-V: Economics of India (भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था)
Paper–V (General Studies- III: Economics and Geography) (200 Marks) Part 01: Economics of India & Chhattisgarh (75 Marks) National and per capita income 2022 1. What you understand by Human…