Category: Economics
State Finance and Budgetary Policy (2019-20)
For Basics of State Finance and Budget, please go through Fiscal Policy: Budget, Fiscal Deficit, Public Debt. Chhattisgarh Budget Analysis (2019-20) Budget Highlights: Head 2018-19 (Revised) 2019-20 (Estimate) Gross State…
National and Per Capita Income
GDP ≡ Sum total of gross value added of all the firms in the economy GNP ≡ GDP + Net factor income from abroad Model (02) Net factor income from…
Fiscal Policy: Budget, Fiscal Deficit, Public Debt
Fiscal policy means the use of taxation and public expenditure by the government for stabilization or growth of the economy. Fiscal policy of India always has two objectives, namely improving the…
Poverty and Unemployment
Poverty The UN Human Rights Council has defined poverty as “A human condition characterized by the sustained or chronic deprivation of the resources, capabilities, choices, security and power necessary for…