- Constitution Part IVA (Art 51A) enumerates 11 fundamental duties (last added in 2002), inspired from Russia
- They are reminders to the citizens about moral and civic duties they owe towards the nation, while enjoying their rights. 2014 (02)
- They promote the Indian way of life, a sense of discipline among citizens and seek their participation in the nation building.
- They are non-justiciable (can’t be settled by law or a court of law) but enforceable by suitable laws by the Parliament. There exist legal provisions for their implementations.
e.g.: The Prevention of Insults to national Honour Act
1. To Abide constitution and its institutions
2. To cherish and follow noble ideas
that inspired freedom struggle
3. To promote harmony and the spirit of common
4. To value and preserve the rich
heritage of composite culture
5. To uphold sovereignty, unity and
6. To defend the nation
7. To protect and improve natural
8. To safeguard public property
9. To develop scientific temper,
10. To strive towards excellence in
all spheres
11. To provide opportunity for education
for children of 6 to 14 years of age