Hello aspirants!
We hope your preparation for CGPSC Mains 2018 is almost over (though it can never) and you have covered the whole syllabus topic-by-topic, especially the newly added portions. Some of you might have appeared in the examinations earlier who might have mastered the art of coping with the intricacies of the examination. However, new aspirants may find our suggestions useful to deal with the final battle.
Here are our last minute suggestions for CGPSC Mains which you may take note of:
Before the Examination
Covering the syllabus:
- Just go through the syllabus once again and ensure that you have studied about every topic mentioned.
- While going through the topics of the syllabus, make sure you have some ideas about the topics. Most of the times, questions are framed directly from the topics, especially the long questions. For example: Topic: “Reform movement among Dalits” Question(s): How did reform movement among Dalits shape the freedom movement in India? Or Write a note on the reform movement among Dalits. Or Elucidate the evolution of reform movement among Dalits.
- Make sure you have not missed the topics which are introduced newly in the Mains syllabus.
- Revise only from your notes/highlighted points and try not to read anything new.
- It you have missed some topic to be covered and you find it bit time consuming to cover that topic now, you may leave the topic altogether instead of being in tension. Keeping cool all the time is the most important factor for getting success in the examination.
- You should also take a re-look (revise) the Mains Test Series comments or points that you have noted or highlighted there.
Keeping yourself cool:
- Take time to refresh yourself. Watch your favorite TV programme, talk to friends, family members, etc.
- Have food on time. Avoid taking junk food or outside food that might make you ill.
- Meditation or yoga or exercise might help you to relax and focus on the studies better.
- Avoid talking to fellow aspirants who are negative minded as they may demoralize you too by unnecessarily drawing your attention towards topics that are not important.
Hotel/lodge booking:
- After taking print out of Mains admit card, try to locate the examination center before time.
- Go through the instructions written on the admit card and find out anything specifically required like black pen, ID card, etc.
- Inquire about the hotel/lodge available near to the exam center and book your room well before the exam day.
During Examination
Writing tools and documents:
- Make sure you have your writing tools- pens, pencil, scale, etc, ready with you.
- Make sure not to forget admit card and photo ID card before leaving your home/room.
- Have a wrist watch to plan your answer writing.
- Leave your mobile phone in the room as centers do not keep them at their responsibility.
On the writing table:
- Check your writing table’s stability or flatness. If you find any problem, ask the invigilator to get it replaced or modified accordingly.
- After getting the answer sheet, read the instructions carefully and write all the required details patiently.
- Start with short answers (2 marks and 4 marks) calmly and once you are set in writing, you may go to the long answers (20 marks and 40 marks).
- Don’t leave the long answers for the end as there would be pressure to finish the paper and you might lose the quality of writing.
- Quality of content is very important therefore while writing long answers, focus on the quality. Just filling up the given space will not fetch good marks.
- Use pencil drawings, charts, etc as per requirement. Some people advise using different colour pens and highlighting the important points in the answers. While there is no doubt that exercise would have good impression on the checker. However, that would consume your time and marginal benefit (only a little more marks) is less. If time is not a problem for you, you may go for that.
- Completing the whole paper is most important. Even if you have very few points for some questions, do answer them at the end.
- Maintain your writing speed right from the beginning and try not to leave long answers at any cost due to lack of time.
- Keep your tempo to the next paper till the exam is completed. Even when your performance in a paper is not good, do not lose heart. Many times toppers get just the passing marks in some papers.
- While writing answers, always have the feeling that you are writing the answers for being selected. After a poor paper, you might have the feeling that in the next attempt you would study harder, but without that feeling just put all your efforts to complete the examination.
Essay and long answers:
- Quality and speed both matter for getting good marks.
- This year you have to write 4 essays, so time management will be crucial.
- You might have gone through mock essay writing. Do not miss the leanings from the mock exercise. Write important headings and points to be covered on the rough page before writing.
- Do remember that nobody can write an essay with perfection. Therefore, do not spend much time on pondering over the more points to be included in the essay. Whatever points you have noted down that fine and write them maintaining the speed.
- After providing reason and present status, never forget to provide solutions or way forward on the topic of the essay.
- Attempt every long answer and essay at any cost.
After the Examination
Be relaxed about the results and keep your admit card safe. Many people find it difficult to recover their roll number when results are announced. 🙂
Happy writing!
With Best Wishes,
Team CG Competition Point
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