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(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: History of Chhattisgarh (छत्तीसगढ़ का इतिहास)

Paper- III (General Studies- I: History, Constitution and Public Administration) (200 Marks) Part 03: History of Chhattisgarh (75 Marks) Pre-historic Age 2022 Give information about rock painting of prehistoric period found from Raigarh District….

Continue Reading... (Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: History of Chhattisgarh (छत्तीसगढ़ का इतिहास)

(Sectional Quiz) Ancient History, Kalchuri and Maratha Periods प्राचीन इतिहास, कलचूरी एवं मराठाकालीन

CMO Recruitment Examination to be conducted by CGPSC has 75 marks from Part 2: General Introduction of Chhattisgarh which contains Ancient History; Kalchuri and Maratha Periods as a very important…

Continue Reading... (Sectional Quiz) Ancient History, Kalchuri and Maratha Periods प्राचीन इतिहास, कलचूरी एवं मराठाकालीन