(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: Constitution and Public Administration (संविधान एवं लोकप्रशासन)

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Paper- III (General Studies- I: History, Constitution and Public Administration)

Part 02: Constitution

Constitution of India: Constitutional development of India (1773-1950)


1. Write any two features of the Indian Councils Act 1892. (02 marks)

भारतीय परिषद अधिनियम 1892 की कोई दो विशेषताएँ लिखिए। (02 अंक)

2. Describe the formation of Central Assembly as per the Indian Councils Act 1909. (04 marks)

भारतीय परिषद अधिनियम 1909 के अनुसार केंद्रीय विधायिका के गठन का वर्णन कीजिए। (04 अंक)


Write a note on Cabinet Mission. (02 marks)

केबिनेट मिशन पर टीप लिखिए। (02 अंक)


  1. Clarify the concept of Dyarchy in the context of Govt of India Act 1919. (2 marks)

भारत सरकार अधिनियम 1919 के संदर्भ में द्वैध शासन की अवधारणा को स्पष्ट कीजिये । (2 अंक)

2. Explain the meaning of Dominion Status. (2 marks)

डोमिनियन स्टेटस का अर्थ स्पष्ट कीजिये । (2 अंक)


1.            Discuss the salient features of Govt of India Act 1919. (2 marks)


1.            Write the importance of Govt of India Act 1935? (2 marks)


1.            Outline the importance of the following Acts in the Constitutional development of India:

i.              Act of 1858 ii.             Act of 1909 iii.            Act of 1919 iv.           Act of 1935 (40 marks)


1.            Which features of British political system has been adopted by the Indian Constitution? (2 marks)


1.            Describe the composition of the Constituent Assembly of India. (2 marks)

  • Formation of the Constitution and salient features, preamble, concept of basic structure, nature of the Constitution.
  • Fundamental Rights and Duties. Directive Principles of State Policy.
  • Union Executive, Legislative and Judiciary, Attorney General. 
  • Emergency Provisions, Constitutional amendments.


1. Write the main ideas of the Preamble of the Indian Constitution. (02 marks)

भारतीय संविधान की उद्देशिका के प्रमुख आदर्शो को लिखिए। (02 अंक)

2. Write about the provision of article 21 A of the Indian Constitution. (02 marks)

भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 21 क मे वर्णित प्रधान के बारे मे लिखिए। (02 अंक)

3. Write the provisions related to ‘Reports of Public Service Commissions’ described in article 323 (1) of the Indian Constitution. (04 marks)

भारतीय संविधान के अनुच्छेद 323(1) मे वर्णित ‘लोक सेवा आयोगों के प्रतिवेदन’ समाबंधी प्रावधान को लिखिए। (04 अंक)

4. Describe the legislative powers of the Parliament related to ‘legislation for giving effect to international agreements’. (04 marks)

‘अंतर्राष्ट्रीय करारों को प्रभावी करने के लिए विधान’ संबंधी संसद की विधायी शक्ति का वर्णन कीजिए।(04 अंक)

5. Throw light on the freedom of conscience and free profession, practice and propagation of religion. (15 marks)

अन्तःकरण की और धर्म को अबाध रूप से माने, आचरण और प्रचार करने की स्वतन्त्रता पर प्रकाश डालिए। (15 अंक)


1. Discuss the Right to Liberty as provided in the Constitution. (04 marks)

संविधान मे उपबंधित स्वतन्त्रता के अधिकार की व्याख्या कीजिए। (04 अंक)

2. Explain the importance of Conception of Preamble in the Constitution. (10 marks)

संविधान के प्रस्तावना की अवधारणा के महत्व को समझाईए।(10 अंक)


  1. Explain the process of election of election of vice President. (2 marks)

उपराष्ट्रपति के निर्वाचन की प्रक्रिया की व्याख्या कीजिए। (2 अंक)

2. Throw light on the basic structure of the Constitution. (4 marks)

संविधान के मूल ढांचे पर प्रकाश डालिए। (4 अंक)

3. Explain the procedure for election of President of India with example. (10 marks)

भारत के राष्ट्रपति के निर्वाचन की प्रक्रिया को उदाहरण सहित समझाइए। (10 अंक)


1.            Explain the methods of constitutional amendment. (2 marks)

2.            Explain the meaning of Sovereign Democratic Secular Socialist Republic. (2 marks)

3.            Discuss the right to constitutional remedies. (4 marks)

4.            Explain law making process. (4 marks)

5.            Discuss the actual position of the President. (8 marks)


1.            What do you understand by written and unwritten constitution? (2 marks)

2.            What are the constitutional provisions of Comptroller and Auditor General? (2 marks)

3.            Explain Appropriation Bill. (4 marks)

2.            Explain with example the election procedure of President of India. (10 marks)


1.            Describe the impeachment procedure against the President of India. (2 marks)

2.            Describe the appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India. (4 marks)

3.            Explain the right to life and personal liberty as provided under Article 21 of the Constitution of India. (10 marks)

4.            Discuss the procedures of amendment as mentioned in the Constitution of India. (10 marks)


1.            Write a note on Article 356. (2 marks)

2.            Fundamental rights given in the Indian Constitution are not absolute. Examine this statement. (8 marks)

3.            Discuss the composition and functions of the National Judicial Appointment Commission. Explain the arguments given in favor and against it. (20 marks)


1.            What are the philosophical bases of Indian Constitution? (2 marks)

2.            Describe the main objectives of fundamental duties mentioned in the Indian Constitution. (2 marks)

3.            Discuss the Gandhian elements in the Directive Principles of State Policy. (2 marks)

4.            What is the procedure of election of the vice-President of India? (2 marks)

5.            ‘Indian Constitution is flexible and rigid both’. Explain this statement. (4 marks)


1.            How many freedoms are mentioned under Article 19 of the Indian Constitution? (2 marks)

2.            What is the advisory jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India? (2 marks)

3.            The President of India is the custodian of Indian Constitution. Discuss. (4 marks)

4.            Discuss the functions of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. (4 marks)

5.            Examine the importance of the Tenth Schedule of the Indian Constitution. (8 marks)


1.            Write the importance of Preamble of the Indian Constitution. (2 marks)

2.            Write a note on the Article 74 of Indian Constitution. (2 marks)

3.            Explain the emergency provisions mentioned in Indian Constitution. (2 marks)

4.            Discuss the salient features of Indian Constitution. (4 marks)

5.            Examine the utility of Rajya Sabha. (4 marks)

6.            It is said that image and influence of the Indian Parliament have suffered a serious decline in recent years. How far do you agree with this view-point? (40 marks)


1.            What is the procedure of election of the President of India? (2 marks)

2.            Explain the difference between fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy given in Indian Constitution. (2 marks)

3.            What do you know about external sovereignty? (2 marks)

4.            Explain independent and impartial judiciary. (2 marks)

5.            Explain the difference between fundamental rights and fundamental duties given in Indian Constitution. (4 marks)

6.            Discuss the organization, jurisdiction and powers of Supreme Court of India. (20 marks)

Right to Constitutional Remedies, Public Interest Litigation, Judicial Activism, Judicial Review


1.            Comment on Judicial Activism in India. (8 marks)


1.            Right to Constitutional remedies is the soul and spirit of whole Constitution. Discuss. (8 marks)

2.            Judicial Review has tended to become of late Judicial Legislation, bringing the judiciary and parliament into conflict with each other. Examine this statement. (20 marks)


1.            Explain the right to Constitutional remedies. (2 marks)

2.            Explain ‘Judicial Activism’. (2 marks)

  • Centre-State Relationship: Legislative, executive and financial.
  • State Executive, Legislature and Judiciary, Advocate General.
  • Panchayats and Municipalities.
  • All India services, union and state public service commission.


1. Explain the ‘method of impeachment’ to remove President from the post. (02 marks)

राष्ट्रपति को पद से हटाने की ‘महाभियोग प्रक्रिया’ को बताईए। (02 अंक)

2. Describe two features of the report of Dr Lakshmi Mall Singhvi Committee.(02 marks)

डॉ. लक्ष्मीकान्त सिंघवी समिति के प्रतिवेदन की डॉ विशेषताएँ बताइए।(02 अंक)

3. Describe the characteristics of Municipal System according to 74th Amendment of the Constitution. (04 marks)

संविधान के 74वें संशोधन के अनुसार नगरपालिका व्यवस्था की विशेषताएँ बताइए। (04 अंक)

4. Describe the Primary Jurisdiction of Supreme Court. (04 marks)

सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के प्रारम्भिक क्षेत्राधिकार का विवेचन कीजिए। (04 अंक)

5. Explain the role of Prime Minister. (08 marks)

प्रधानमंत्री की भूमिका को समझाईए। (08 अंक)

6. Examine the organization, power and position of Gram Sabha under the Chhattisgarh Panchayati Raj Act.  (08 marks)

छत्तीसगढ़ पंचायती राज अधिनियम के अंतर्गत ग्राम सभा के संगठन, शक्ति और स्थिति का परीक्षण कीजिए।(08 अंक)


  1. Describe the powers and position of Governor. (8 marks)

राज्यपाल की शक्तियों और स्थिति का वर्णन कीजिये । (8 अंक)


1.            Critically examine the Center-State Legislative relations. (4 marks)

2.            Powers of Governor (any four)  (2 marks)

3.            Give arguments in favor and against of State Legislative Council. (10 marks)


1.            Explain the meaning of ‘State’ under the Constitution of India. (2 marks)

2.            Explain the sixth schedule of the Constitution of India. (2 marks)

3.            Explain the rights of Election Commission of India. (4 marks)

4.            Discuss the rights of Union Public Service Commission. (8 marks)


1.            Explain the role of Advocate General. (2 marks)

2.            Discuss the various levels of Panchayati Raj Institutions. (2 marks)

3.            What are the elements of cooperative federalism in Indian Constitution? (4 marks)

4.            What are the major instruments of cooperative federalism in India? (4 marks)


1.            Discuss the non-federal elements of the Indian Constitution. (2 marks)

2.            Do you agree with the view that the office of the Governor which is superfluous when the same party is in power in the center and the states becomes mischievous when different parties are governing the center and the states? Give reasons and illustrations in support of your answer. (40 marks)


1.            Examine the role of Chief Minister in the administration of the State. (8 marks)


1.            Discuss the organization, jurisdiction and powers of Election Commission of India. (40 marks)

2.            Discuss the administrative relations between center and states in India. (8 marks)

  • Govt. of Chhattisgarh: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary, Administrative Structure of Chhattisgarh.


Describe mutual relationship of Legislature and Executive in Chhattisgarh.(10 marks)

छत्तीसगढ़ मे विधायिका एवं कार्यपालिका के पारस्परिक सम्बन्धों का विवेचन कीजिए।(10 अंक)


  1. Discuss the administrative structure of Chhattisgarh. (10 marks)

छत्तीसगढ़ के प्रशासनिक ढांचे की विवेचना कीजिए। (10 अंक)


1.            Describe the organization and powers of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly. (8 marks)

2.            Describe the salient features of Chhattisgarh Panchayati Raj Act, 1993. (10 marks)

3.            Describe the primary and appellate jurisdiction of Chhattisgarh High Court. (10 marks)


1.            Write a note on State Information Commission. (2 marks)


1. Discuss the role of Lokayukta in Chhattisgarh. (4 marks)

2. What is the meaning of decentralization? How far is it correct to say that Panchayati Raj Institutions in Chhattisgarh have achieved the goals of decentralization? (20 marks)

Part 02: Public Administration

  • Public Administration: meaning, scope, nature and importance
  • Public administration and private administration under liberalizations
  • New Public Administration, Development administration and comparative administration. 
  • New dimensions in public administration, State vs. Market, rule of law


1. What is Public Private Partnership? (02 marks)

लोक-निजी भागीदारी क्या है? (02 अंक)

2. Define Social Security. (02 marks)

सामाजिक सुरक्षा की परिभाषा दीजिए। (02 अंक)

3. What is the meaning of Localization in New Public Management? (02 marks)

नव लोक प्रबंध मे स्थानीयकरण का अर्थ क्या है? (02 अंक)

For what reasons Public Administration has to adopt managerial techniques of Private Administration continuously? Explain. (10 marks)

किन कारणों से लोक प्रशासन को सतत रूप से निजी प्रशासन मे अपनाए जा रहे प्रबंधकीय तकनीकों का प्रयोग करना पड़ा है? समझाईए। (10 अंक)


  1. Explain the meaning of ‘procedure established by law’. (2 marks)

‘विधि द्वारा स्थापित प्रक्रिया’ का अर्थ स्पष्ट कीजिये । (2 अंक)

2. Explain the meaning of ‘rule of law’ as propounded by Dicey. (4 marks)

डाइसी द्वारा प्रतिपादित ‘विधि के शासन’ का अर्थ स्पष्ट कीजिए। (4 अंक)


1.            Explain the characteristics of development administration. (2 marks)


1.            Explain public administration. (2 marks)

2.            Explain State Vs Bazaar. (8 marks)

3.            Discuss people’s participation in development administration. (10 marks)


1.            Explain managerial view of Public Administration. (2 marks)

2.            What are the methods of study of Public Administration? (2 marks)

3.            Point out the causes for the evolution of Comparative Public Administration and discuss its importance. (10 marks)


1.            Explain the nature of Comparative Public Administration. (2 marks)


1.            Discuss the meaning of Private Administration. (2 marks)

2.            Explain the concept of Administrative Development and analyze its significance for Development Administration. (4 marks)


1.            Explain the meaning of Public Administration. (2 marks)

2.            What is the concept of Development Administration? (4 marks)

3.            New Public Administration came up with certain distinct goals as well as anti-goals’. Discuss. (40 marks) 


1.            What do you mean by administration? Explain. (2 marks)

2.            Discuss the meaning of ‘Liberalization’. (2 marks)

3.            Discuss the role of public administration in the developing society. (4 marks)


1.            Explain the importance of Public Administration. (2 marks)

Organization: principles, approaches and structure.


  1. Write the full form of POSDCORB. (2 marks)

POSDCORB का पूर्ण रूप लिखिए। (2 अंक)

2. Discuss the ‘Seven S’ model related to organization. (8 marks)

संगठन से संबंधित ‘सात एस’ मॉडल की चर्चा कीजिए। (8 अंक)


1.            Explain ‘Seven-S’ model. (4 marks)


1.            Define Organization. (2 marks)


1.            Discuss the bases of organization. (8 marks)

Management: Leadership, policy determination, decision making


Explain features of efficient leadership. (02 marks)

कुशल नेतृत्व की विशेषताएँ बताइए। (02 अंक)


1.            What do you understand by ‘leadership’? Explain various forms of leadership. (10 marks)


1.            ‘Herber Simon identified a prominent role for choice, value and facts, in decision making.’ Discuss. (8 marks)


1.            Discuss the essential qualities of good ‘leadership’. (8 marks)

Instruments of Administrative Management: Co-ordination, delegation, communication, observation (or supervision) and motivation. 


Explain ‘Delegation’. (02 marks)

‘प्रत्यायोजन’ को समझाईए।(02 अंक)


1.            Explain the meaning of motivation. (2 marks)


1.    What do you understand by the term ‘Supervision’? (2 marks)


1.            Define the Line Agency. (2 marks)

2.            Maslow’s theory of motivation has been criticised on which grounds? (4 marks)


1.            Explain Coordination. (2 marks)


1.            What is communication? (2 marks)

2.            What is the meaning of delegation? (2 marks)


1.            Explain Hierarchy. (2 marks)

  • Administrative Reforms, Good governance, E-governance, bureaucracy, district administration. 
  • Control on Administration in India: Parliamentary, financial, judicial and executive. Lokpal and Lok Ayukta. Right to information.


1. Discuss the environmental factors of urban development in the context of sustainable development. (08 marks)

नगरीय विकास मे पर्यावरण कारकों की सतत विकास के संधार्भ मे विवेचना कीजिए। (08 अंक)

2. Explain the policy making procedure. (08 marks)

नीति निर्माण प्रक्रिया को समझाईए। (08 अंक)


  1. Clarify the role of Lok Ayukta. (4 marks)

लोकायुक्त की भूमिका स्पष्ट कीजिए। (4 अंक)


1.            Describe the meaning of good governance. (2 marks)

2.            Discuss the role of collector in district administration. (4 marks)


1.            Clarify the meaning of e-governance. (2 marks)

2.            Explain organization and aims of NITI Aayog. (10 marks)


1.            Explain the meaning of ‘Committed Bureaucracy’. (2 marks)

2.            Discuss the role of District Collector as a ‘Disaster Mitigator’. (4 marks)


1.            What are the methods of legislative control over administration? (2 marks)

2.            What is the meaning of District Administration? (2 marks)

3.            Right to information is a necessary condition of a successful and effective democracy. Discuss. (8 marks)


1.            Write a critical note on citizen charter. (8 marks)

2.            Analyze the role of the state and non-state institutions in policy formulation. (20 marks)


1.            What do you mean by ‘Bureaucracy’? (2 marks)

2.            Elucidate the process of policy formulation. (4 marks)


1.            Explain the concept of Administrative Reforms. (4 marks)

2.            ‘Good governance presently animates the entire administrative environment.’ Explain. (40 marks)


1.            Explain the meaning of Good Governance. (2 marks)

2.            What is Right to Information? (4 marks)

3.            Explain the necessity and importance of Lokpal. (4 marks)

Government types: Parliamentary- Presidential, unitary-federal Government. Theory of separation of powers.


Write the characteristics of Presidential Form of Government. (02 marks)

अध्यक्षात्मक शासन की विशेषताएँ लिखिए। (02 अंक)


  1. Write the features of federal government. (2 marks)

संघीय सरकार की विशेषताएँ लिखिए। (2 अंक)


1.            Explain the features of Parliamentary type of Govt. (2 marks)


1.            Describe the main features of Parliamentary Govt. (2 marks)

2.            Describe the theory of separation of powers. (4 marks)

3.            What is meant by ‘Rule of Law’? (4 marks)

4.            Explain the features of federal Govt. (10 marks)


1.            Define parliamentary democracy and analyze the relevance of parliamentary model of Govt of India. (5+15 marks)


1.            What are the methods of direct democracy? (4 marks)

2.            Discuss the principle of classification of Parliamentary and Presidential Government. (2 marks)


1.            What do you understand by ‘Rule of Law’? (2 marks)

further reading

All subjects Topic-wise Mains Papers

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