(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-IV: Applied and Behavioral Science (एप्लाईड एवं व्यवहारिक विज्ञान)

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Paper– IV (General Studies- II: Science, Aptitude and Environment)

Part 03: Applied and Behavioral Science

Technology: Role of Information Technology in Rural India, basic knowledge of computers, computers in communication and broadcasting, software development for economic growth. Broad applications of IT


1. Make the list of components of computer system. (02 marks)

कंप्यूटर सिस्टम के घटकों की सूची बनाइये। (02 अंक)

2. Write the names of some popular operating systems. (02 marks)

कुछ लोकप्रिय ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टमों के नाम लिखिए।(02 अंक)

3. What are the types of communication in technology? (02 marks)

तकनीकी मे कम्यूनिकेशन के कौन-कौन से प्रकार होते हैं? (02 अंक)

4. Hotel primary and secondary memories? (04 marks)

प्रायमरी एवं सेकंडरी मेमोरी क्या है? (04 अंक)

5. What are the uses of information technology and communication? (08 marks)

संचार मे सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी की क्या उपयोगिताएं हैं? (08 अंक)


1. What is RAM in computers? (02 marks)

कम्यूटर मे RAM क्या है? (02 अंक)

2. Write the names of any four fields of communication in which computer is used. (02 marks)

संचार के किन्ही चार क्षेत्रों के नाम लिखिए, जिनमे कम्यूटर का उपयोग किया जाता है? (02 अंक)

3. What do you understand by information technology? (02 marks)

सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी से आप क्या समझते हैं? (02 अंक)

4. What is ROM in computers? What type of memory does it contain? What is its importance? (04 marks)

कंप्यूटर मे ROM क्या है? इसमे किस प्रकार की याददाश्त (मैमोरी) होती है? इसका क्या महत्व है? (04अंक)


  1. Write the purposes of Information Village Project. (2 marks)

सूचना ग्राम परियोजना के उद्देश्य लिखिए। (2 अंक)

2. Explain the benefits of Information Technology driven business strategy. (8 marks)

सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी संचालित व्यापार रणनीति के लाभों की व्याख्या कीजिये । (8 अंक)

3. Write an essay on large uses of Information Technology. (15 marks)

सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी के व्यापक उपयोगों पर एक निबंध लिखिए। (15 अंक)


1.       Write any four features of computer. (2 marks)

2.       What is software? Write the names of software. (2 marks)

3.       Write the names of four input and output devices of computer. (4 marks)

4.       What do you mean by Information Technology? Describe the role of Information Technology in rural India. (15 marks)


1.       What is debugging in computer programming? How it is removed? (2 marks)

2.       What are the uses of DVD? Write its full form. (2 marks)

3.       Explain about hardware and software. (4 marks)

4.       Explain the importance of information technology in development of rural India. (15 marks)


1.       What are the means of electronic fund transfer? (2 marks)

2.       Who started the first internet web based free e-mail service? (2 marks)

3.       Explain the Digital India Mission. Write about the initiative taken for this mission by Chhattisgarh Govt. (10 marks)


1.       Write the names of four high level languages of computer programming. (2 marks)

2.       Write the full forms of the following: (4 marks)

                                 i.            USB      ii.            HTTP        iii.            PDF         iv.            DPI

3.       Give a brief account of Super Computer. (40/3  marks)


1.       What is computer malware? Explain it. (4 marks)


1.       What is computer memory? (2 marks)

2.       Describe in detail the role of information and communication technology (ICT) for Indian communities. (40 marks)


1.       What are input/output devices of computer? Give two examples of each. (2 marks)

Energy Resources: Energy demands, renewable and nonrenewable energy resources; Nuclear energy, the development and its utilization in the country


1. Why is biogas regarded as best fuel? (02 marks)

जैव-गैस को उत्तम ईंधन क्यों माना जाता है? (02 अंक)

2. What is tidal energy? How is it produced? (04 marks)

ज्वारीय ऊर्जा क्या है? इसका उत्पादन किस प्रकार किया जाता है? (04 अंक)

3. What is nuclear energy? How is it produced? Write its main uses. (08 marks)

नाभिकीय ऊर्जा क्या है? इसे किस प्रकार उत्पन्न किया जाता है? इसके प्रमुख उपयोग लिखिए। (08 अंक)

4. What do you mean by renewal energy resources? Explain its various types. (15 marks)

ऊर्जा के नवीनीकरण योग्य संसाधन से आप क्या समझते हैं? इसके विभिन्न प्रकारों को समझाइए। (15 अंक)


1. What are the reactions due to which energy is released in nuclear reactors? Write name only. (02 marks)

नाभिकीय रियाक्टर्स मे ऊर्जा किन अभिक्रियाओं के कारण उत्पन्न होती है? केवल नाम लिखिए। (02 अंक)

2. Write the names of four electricity generating nuclear power plants of India. (04 marks)

भारतवर्ष मे विद्युत उत्पादन करने वाले चार नाभिकीय ऊर्जा सन्यंत्रों के नाम लिखिए। (04अंक)


  1. Write the names of the sources of renewable energy. (2 marks)

नवीकरणीय ऊर्जा के स्रोतों के नाम लिखिए। (2 अंक)


1.       Write any four uses of solar energy. (2 marks)

2.       What is non-renewable energy? Write it’s any two sources. (2 marks)

3.       What do you mean by fossil fuel? Write its two examples. (4 marks)

4.       What is LPG? How it is obtained? (4 marks)


1.       What is meant by a good source of energy? (2 marks)

2.       Describe non-renewable energy and give the details of their uses. (8 marks)

3.       What do you mean by CREDA? Give its functions point- wise in detail. (10 marks)

4.       Explain nuclear power generation and mention its advantages and disadvantages associated with it. (10 marks)


1.       Give a brief account of nuclear reactor. (4 marks)

2.       Describe in detail four uses of nuclear reactor. (10 marks)


1.       What is nuclear fission? Explain with example. (4 marks)


1.       Write the names of three solar energy powered equipments. (2 marks)

2.       Write down the number and installed capacity of the nuclear reactors operated by Nuclear Power Corporation of India. (2 marks)

3.       What are the sources of non-conventional energy and what is their importance? (4 marks)

4.       Explain Nuclear reactor. (10 marks)

5.       Describe in detail the development of nuclear energy in our country. (40 marks)

Current Science & Technology developments in India, origin of agriculture, Progress of Agricultural Science and its impacts, Crop science in India, Fertilizers, Control of pests and disease scenario in India.


  1. How is e-Governance beneficial to the common man? (4 marks)

आम आदमी के लिए ई-गवर्नेंसकैसे फायदेमंद है? (4 अंक)

2. Write the differences between bio and chemical pesticides. (4 marks)

जैव एवं रासायनिक कीटनाशकों में अंतर लिखिए। (4 अंक)

3. What is the right time of application of Phosphatic Fertilizers in the field? (2 marks)

फास्फेटिक उर्वरकों को खेत में लगाने का सही समय क्या है? (2 अंक)

4. Write the names of any two potassium fertilizers. (2 marks)

किन्हीं दो पोटाशियम उर्वरकों के नाम लिखिए। (2 अंक)


1.       Write the advantages of e-technology in agriculture field. (2 marks)

2.       What is e-chaupal? Explain. (4 marks)


1.       What is fertilizer? Mention the constituents of fertilizer. (2 marks)

2.       What are the objectives of Indian Space Program? (2 marks)

3.       Describe LED and LCD. What is the difference between them? (4 marks)

4.       What are genetically modified organisms? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages. (15 marks)


1.       What is GIS? Give its full name. (2 marks)

2.       What is 4G technology? (2 marks)

3.       Write about HAL-900. What is its full name? (4 marks)

4.       What is ASTROSAT? What are the objectives of ASTROSAT mission? (8 marks)


1.       What are the advantages of using organic fertilizers over chemical fertilizers? (2 marks)

2.       What is Mangalyan Mission? (2 marks)

3.       What are the uses of IRS Data in agriculture? (4 marks)

4.       Give a brief account about INSAT. (8 marks)

5.       Describe pesticide resistance and its management. (40/3 marks)

6.       Discuss in brief about the national policy of science and technology. (40/3  marks)


1.       Write full form of RISAT. What are its uses? (2 marks)

2.       What is Bio-fertilizer? Write its three examples. (2 marks)

3.       What are two main conditions of a geo-stationary orbit? (2 marks)

4.       What is LED? Write its four benefits over conventional light bulb. (4 marks)

5.       What do you understand by drip irrigation? What are its advantages? (8 marks)

6.       Write an essay on the development of science and technology in India. (20 marks)


1.       Differentiate between white and green revolutions. Name the people associated with these revolutions. (2 marks)

2.       Describe the features of satellite GSAT-10. (4 marks)

3.       Write a note about the need of a novel approach for crop protection in India. (8 marks)


1.       The satellite SARAL is a joint satellite mission of India and which country? (2 marks)

2.       Write down the full forms of the following: IRS, WWW, NABARD, GPRS (2 marks)


  • Bio-diversity and its conservation: General introduction, definition, species and genetic diversity, Bio-geographic classification of India,
  • Importance of Bio-Diversity: Constructive and destructive application, Importance of social, moral and alternative vision; Global, national and local level bio-diversity,
  • India as a wide diversity nation, Hotspots of biodiversity,


1. What is ecosystem diversity? (02 marks)

पारिस्थितिक विविधता क्या है? (02 अंक)

2. Write the names of various types of endangered species. (04 marks)

संकटापन्न प्रजातियों के विभिन्न प्रकारों के नाम लिखिए। (04 अंक)

3. Describe any four main significances of biodiversity and four main effects of its loss. (08 marks)

जैव विविधता के किन्ही चार प्रमुख महत्वों तथा इसकी हानि के चार प्रमुख प्रभावों का वर्णन कीजिए। (08 अंक)



Write the names of any four Bio-Geographical regions of India. (02 marks)

भारतवर्ष के किन्ही चार जैव-भौगोलिक क्षेत्रों के नाम लिखिए। (02 अंक)

Write the names of any four important hotspots of biodiversity in India. (02 marks)

भारतवर्ष के जैवविविधता वाले किन्ही चार प्रमुख तप्त स्थलों के नाम लिखिए। (02 अंक)

What do you mean by hotspots of by diversity? What are the two criteria for any area to be a hotspot of biodiversity? (04 marks)

जैव-विविधता के तप्त स्थल से आप क्या समझते हैं? किसी क्षेत्र को जैव-विविधता का तप्त स्थल होने के लिए दो क्राइटेरिया (मानदंड) कौन-कौन से हैं? (04अंक)

Write the differences between National Park and Sanctuary? (04 marks)

राष्ट्रीय उद्यान एवं अभयारण्य मे अंतर लिखिए। (04अंक)

What is biodiversity? Define genetic diversity, species diversity and ecological diversity. (08 marks)

जैव-विविधता क्या है? आनुवांशिक विविधता, प्रजाति विविधता एवं पारिस्थितिक विविधता को परिभाषित कीजिए। (08 अंक)


  1. What is National Park? (2 marks)

राष्ट्रीय उद्यान क्या है? (2 अंक)

2. Define ‘alpha biodiversity’. (2 marks)

‘अल्फा जैव विविधता’ को परिभाषित कीजिये । (2 अंक)

3. Enlist various criteria required for the designation of biosphere reserve. (4 marks)

बायोस्फीयर रिजर्व के पदनाम के लिए आवश्यक विभिन्न मानदंडों को सूचीबद्ध कीजिये । (4 अंक)

4. Describe Species Diversity. (4 marks)

प्रजाति विविधता का वर्णन कीजिए। (4 अंक)

5. Describe in brief about tiger conservation project. (4 marks)

बाघ संरक्षण परियोजना का संक्षेप में वर्णन कीजिए। (4 अंक)

6. What are the Biodiversity Hot-spots? Describe the distinct flora and fauna of Eastern Himalayas of India. (8 marks)

जैव विविधता हॉटस्पॉट क्या हैं? भारत के पूर्वी हिमालय के विशिष्ट वनस्पतियों और जीवों का वर्णन कीजिये । (8 अंक)


1.       Explain the Hot-spots of biodiversity in India. (4 marks)

2.       What is a Mega-diversity Nation? Explain.  (15 marks)


1.       Describe the two recognized bio-resource reserves of MP and Chhattisgarh and their respective approximate geographical area in km2 (4 marks)

2.       Write about habitat, major species, environmental importance and conservation status of Western Ghats. (8 marks)

3.       Mention your views on ‘Environment and Human Health’. (10 marks)


1.       Describe genetic diversity. (4 marks)

2.       What do you know about Agroecology? (10 marks)

3.       Describe the importance of wild life commodity. (10 marks)


1.       What are endemic species? (2 marks)

2.       What are seed banks? (2 marks)

3.       Define biodiversity. (2 marks)

4.       Describe about Red Data Book. (4 marks)

5.       Write about four reasons for biodiversity loss in Hot Spots. (4 marks)


1.       Describe briefly the Biogeographic Regions of India. (20 marks)

2.       Define: Species Diversity (2 marks)


1.       Define the following: Biotic potential, Hot spots of India (2×2=4 marks)

Threats to biodiversity: Residential damage, damage to wildlife, humans and wild animals struggle,

India’s threatened (endangered) and local species,


1.       Write threats of biodiversity. (2 marks)

2.       Describe the man and wild life conflicts. (8 marks)


1.       Describe various threats to biodiversity. (10 marks)


1.       Describe various threats to biodiversity. (20 marks)

Conservation of bio-diversity: Topological and non-topological conservation.


1. Write four causes of the loss of biodiversity. (02 marks)

जैव-विविधता की हानि के चार कारण लिखिए। (02 अंक)

2. What is ex-situ conservation of biodiversity? Give two examples. (04 marks)

जैव विविधता का एक्स-सीटू संरक्षण क्या है? दो उदाहरण दीजिए। (04 अंक)


1. Define in-situ and ex-situ conservation. (02 marks)

इन-सीटू एवं एक्स-सीटू संरक्षण की परिभाषा दीजिए। (02 अंक)

2. In how many categories, threatened species are classified in Red List of IUCN? Write the name of each category and explain them. (15 marks)

आई.यू.सी.एन. ने लाल सूची मे खतरे मे पड़ी प्रजातियों को कितनी श्रेणियों मे वर्गीकृत किया है? प्रत्येक श्रेणी का नाम लिखकर उन्हे समझाइए। (15 अंक)


1.       Differentiate ‘critically endangered’ and ‘vulnerable’ IUCN categories. (4 marks)


1.       Role of common man for preservation and conservation of Biodiversity. Explain. (155 marks)


1.       Define: In-situ Conservation (2 marks)


1.       Describe the topological and non-topological conservation of biodiversity in India. (20 marks)


1.       Define the following: Ex-situ conservation (2 marks)

Environmental pollution: Cause, effect and control measures; Air pollution, water pollution, sea pollution, soil pollution, sound/noise pollution, thermal pollution, and nuclear pollution; Human role in pollution control


1. What is called alien species?  Give one example. (02 marks)

एलियन प्रजाति किसे कहते हैं? एक उदाहरण दीजिये। (02 अंक)

2. What do you mean by eutrophication of water body? Write one harm of eutrophication. (02 marks)

जलकाय के सुपोषण से आप क्या समझते हैं? इससे होने वाली एक हानि बताइये। (02 अंक)

3. Write the names of any two bacterial and two protozoan diseases. Also write the names of their causal organisms. (04 marks)

जल प्रदूषण के कारण होने वाले किन्ही दो जीवाणु रोगों एवं दो प्रोटोजोअन रोगों के नाम लिखिए। साथ ही उनके रोगजनकों के भी नाम लिखिए। (04 अंक)

4. What is radioactive pollution? Describe the main causes, effects and control methods of it. (15 marks)

रेडियोधर्मी प्रदूषण क्या है? इसके प्रमुख कारणों, प्रभावों एवं नियंत्रण की विधियों का वर्णन कीजिए। (15 अंक)


1. Write the names of a bacterial and protozoan disease caused due to water pollution. Also write the names of their causal organisms. (02 marks)

जल प्रदूषण के कारण होने वाले एक जीवाणु जनित तथा एक प्रोटोजोआ जनित रोग एवं उनके रोगजनकों के नाम लिखिए। (02 अंक)

2. What is CNG? Explain its importance. (04 marks)

CNG क्या है? इसके महत्व को समझाइए। (04अंक)

3. What is thermal pollution? Describe the reasons effects and control measures. (08 marks)

तापीय प्रदूषण क्या है? इसके कारण, प्रभाव एवं नियंत्रण के उपायों का वर्णन कीजिए। (08 अंक)

4. What is photochemical smog? Explain its system of formation with the help of chemical equations. (08 marks)

प्रकाश-रासायनिक धुन्ध क्या है? रासायनिक समीकरण की सहायता से इसके निर्माण की प्रक्रिया को समझाइए। (08 अंक)


  1. Write three measures to control oil pollution in marine areas. (2 marks)

समुद्री क्षेत्रों में तेल प्रदूषण को नियंत्रित करने के तीन उपाय लिखिए। (2 अंक)

2. Define “environmental ethics”. (2 marks)

“पर्यावरण नैतिकता” को परिभाषित कीजिये । (2 अंक)

3. What are the harmful effects of sound pollution on human health? Write.(10 marks)

मानव स्वास्थ्य पर ध्वनि प्रदूषण के हानिकारक प्रभाव क्या हैं? लिखना। (10 अंक)


1.       Write the names of toxic elements which are responsible for water pollution. (any four) (2 marks)

2.       What is nuclear pollution? Describe its reasons, effects and control measures. (8 marks)


1.       Sea pollution (2 marks)

2.       Main pollutants in automobile exhausts (2 marks)

3.       Radio- active pollution (2 marks)


1.       Define environmental pollution. (2 marks)

2.       What is waste? (2 marks)

3.       Explain land pollution. (2 marks)

4.       Differentiate between good ozone and bad ozone. (4 marks)

5.       Explain climate change. (4 marks)

6.       Write detailed note on green house gases. (8 marks)

7.       What is air pollution? Describe its reasons, effects and control measures. (15 marks)


1.       Define global warming. (2 marks)


1.       Write names of four green house gases. (2 marks)

2.       Define: Thermal Pollution (2 marks)

3.       Define: population explosion, sound pollution. (2×2=4 marks)

4.       What are major air pollutants? How do they affect the life of living beings? (8 marks)


1.       Define the following: Nuclear Pollution, Green House Effect, Acid Rains (2×3=6 marks)

2.       What is poly house? Explain. (4 marks)

3.       Explain the following: Soil Pollution, Population Growth (4 marks)

4.       What is water pollution? Describe the sources of water pollutants and their control measures. (8 marks)


1.       Define the following: Non-degradable pollutants (2 marks)

Solid waste management: Urban and Industrial solid waste management: reason, effect and control,


What is solid waste management? Describe the object and functional elements of the solid waste management. (15 marks)

ठोस अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन क्या है? ठोस अपशिष्ट प्रबंधन के उद्देश्य तथा क्रियात्मक तत्वों का वर्णन कीजिए। (15 अंक)


  1. What is industrial solid waste? Describe the various measures for its management. (15 marks)

औद्योगिक ठोस अपशिष्ट क्या है? इसके प्रबंधन के लिए विभिन्न उपायों का वर्णन कीजिए। (15 अंक)


1.       Mention the effect of solid waste. Explain the control measures of its management. (8 marks)


1.       What are the urban and industrial solid wastes? Mention their control measures and their management. (20 marks)


1.       Explain: Solid waste management (20 marks)

further reading

All subjects Topic-wise Mains Papers

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