Month: April 2024
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-V: Economics of India (भारत की अर्थव्यवस्था)
Paper–V (General Studies- III: Economics and Geography) (200 Marks) Part 01: Economics of India & Chhattisgarh (75 Marks) National and per capita income 2022 1. What you understand by Human…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-VI: Sociology (समाजशास्त्र)
Paper- VI (General Studies- IV: Philosophy and Sociology) (200 Marks) Part 02: Sociology (50 Marks) Sociology: Meaning, scope and nature; importance of its study; relation with other social sciences. 2022…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-VI: Philosophy (दर्शनशास्त्र)
Paper- VI (General Studies- IV: Philosophy and Sociology) Part 01: Philosophy Indian Philosophy: Nature of Philosophy, its relation between religion and culture, difference between Indian and western Philosophy 2021 1. Discuss…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: History of India (भारत का इतिहास)
Paper- III (General Studies- I: History, Constitution and Public Administration) (200 Marks) Part 01: History of India (75 Marks) Ancient History 2022 1. Describe the Granary of Harappan period. (02…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: Constitution and Public Administration (संविधान एवं लोकप्रशासन)
Paper- III (General Studies- I: History, Constitution and Public Administration) Part 02: Constitution Constitution of India: Constitutional development of India (1773-1950) 2022 1. Write any two features of the Indian Councils Act 1892. (02…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-V: Geography of India (भारत का भूगोल)
Paper–V (General Studies- III: Economics and Geography) Part 02: Geography of India Physical Geography 2022 1. What are ‘Tarai’ and ‘Bhabar’? (02 marks) ‘तराई’ और ‘भाबर’ क्या हैं? (02 अंक)…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-IV: General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान)
Paper– IV (General Studies- II: Science, Aptitude and Environment) Part 01: General Science (75 Marks) Chemistry Rate of chemical reaction and chemical equilibrium: Preliminary knowledge of rate of chemical reaction….
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-IV: Applied and Behavioral Science (एप्लाईड एवं व्यवहारिक विज्ञान)
Paper– IV (General Studies- II: Science, Aptitude and Environment) Part 03: Applied and Behavioral Science Technology: Role of Information Technology in Rural India, basic knowledge of computers, computers in communication…