
Relations between the Union and the States

The Constitution of India, being federal in structure, in Part XI divides powers- legislative, administrative, financial- between the Centre and the States. (Cooperative Federalism)The Centre- State relations can be divided…

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high court

High Courts & Subordinate Courts, Advocate General

Art 214-231 covers High Courts (HCs). Constitution provides for a HC in each state, also allowed for a common HC. Presently there are 24 HCs, their territorial jurisdiction is co-terminus…

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attorney general

Attorney General

According to the Art 76, Attorney General is the highest law officer in the country Appointment: Appointed by the President during his pleasure Qualifications: As to that of a judge…

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supreme court

Supreme Court

Judiciary (SC and HCs): India has an integrated judicial system with SC at the top and HCs below it under which there are subordinate courts. Supreme Court is the federal…

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Judicial Review & Judicial Activism

Judicial Review Power of Supreme Court to examine the constitutionality of a legislative and executive order.  Though the phrase nowhere finds mention in the constitution, many articles explicitly mandate the…

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Right to Constitutional Remedies (Writs)

Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art 32): Heart and Soul of Constitution An effective mechanism for enforcement of Fundamental Rights  It gives the right to move to Supreme Court (or High…

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Constitution duties

Fundamental Duties

Constitution Part IVA (Art 51A) enumerates 11 fundamental duties (last added in 2002), inspired from Russia They are reminders to the citizens about moral and civic duties they owe towards…

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Constitution directive principles

Directive Principles of State Policy

Part IV (Art 35- 51A) details them, idea borrowed from Irish Constitution With Fundamental Rights, DPSPs are known as the ‘Conscience of the Constitution’. It contains a set of positive…

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Constitution preamble

Constitution: Preamble

The American Constitution was the first to begin with a Preamble.  It is based on the Objective Resolution drafted by Pt Nehru.  Experts call it as the ‘soul of Constitution’,…

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Constitution fundamental rights

Fundamental Rights

Covered in Article 12-35, called as the ‘Magna Carta of India’ They are fundamental in the sense that they are most essential for the all round development of the individuals….

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