
Schedules of the Constitution

Schedules are lists in the Constitution of India that categorize activities and policy of the Government. Indian Constitution had originally eight schedules, which with further additions became twelve as of…

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Amendment of the Constitution

Art 368 deals with the powers of the Parliament to amend the Constitution and its procedure. The amendment procedure laid down is rigid and flexible; flexible to include the changed…

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Emergency Provisions in the Constitution

Art 352- Art 360 deal with emergency provisions, incorporated to safeguard the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the country. These provisions empower the Union Govt to meet certain unforeseen emergencies…

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Official Language- Language of the Union and Regional Languages

Part XVII (Art 343- 351) deals with Language of the Union and Regional Languages. Provisions are divided into four heads: 1. Language of Union: Hindi written in Devanagari script is to…

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Panchayats and Municipalities

The history of Panchayati Raj starts from the self-sufficient and self-governing village communities. In the time of the Rig-Veda (1700 BC), evidence suggests that self-governing village bodies called ‘sabhas’ existed. With the…

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special provisions

Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes

Constitution provides for safeguarding the interests of certain classes for equality and justice (as enshrined in the Preamble).Part XVI (Art 330- 342) details the special provisions relating to SC/ST/OBCs and…

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Election and Election Commission

Part XV Art 324- 329 deals with elections. Art 324 provides for an independent Election Commission for the free and fair election. It vests power of superintendence, direction and control…

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Tribunals and Administrative Tribunals

42nd Amendment added a new part XIVA to the Constitution for Tribunals: Administrative Tribunals (Art 323A) and Tribunals for other purpose (Art 323B)  Administrative Tribunals: Parliament may provide for the…

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Services under Union and State

Public Services (Art 308- 314):Constitution empowers the Parliament (States for State Services) to regulate the recruitment and conditions of service (including reasonable restrictions on the Fundamental Rights) (Art 309) They…

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Relations between the Union and the States

The Constitution of India, being federal in structure, in Part XI divides powers- legislative, administrative, financial- between the Centre and the States. (Cooperative Federalism)The Centre- State relations can be divided…

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