CGPSC State Service 2023 for total of 243 posts in 17 services/departments was advertised. The Prelims Examination was held on 11 February 2024, the results were declared today with total 3595 candidates being selected for the Main Examination to be held during 24-27 June 2024.
Minimum Qualifying Marks (Cut-off Marks) in CGPSC Pre 2023
Sr. No. | Category | Max_Marks | Min_Marks |
1 | UR_O | 164.8718 | 136.9155 |
2 | UR_F | 165.5887 | 135.4818 |
3 | UR EXS | 132.6144 | 73.8348 |
4 | UR PH | 123.2958 | 77.4188 |
5 | UR PH NCAT | 136.1990 | 73.1178 |
6 | SC_O | 136.9154 | 120.4286 |
7 | SC F_O | 130.4637 | 120.4286 |
8 | SC_F | 137.6323 | 130.4640 |
9 | SC PH | 106.0919 | 88.1711 |
10 | SC_PH_NCAT | 111.1096 | 111.1096 |
11 | ST O | 139.0660 | 106.8087 |
12 | ST_F_O | 112.5432 | 106.8087 |
13 | ST_F | 141.2165 | 112.5433 |
14 | ST_EXS | 65.2334 | 46.5956 |
15 | ST_PH | 87.4543 | 55.1976 |
16 | ST_PH NCAT | 95.3390 | 93.1890 |
17 | OBC_O | 141.9332 | 132.6144 |
18 | OBC_O | 141.9332 | 132.6144 |
19 | OBC_F_O | 133.3311 | 132.6144 |
20 | OBC F | 136.9156 | 133.3312 |
21 | OBC_PH_NCAT | 119.7113 | 46.5955 |