Chhattisgarh 4th in MGNREGA Employment Generation

- Chhattisgarh has been placed in fourth position in 2019-20 fiscal under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) among top 10 states in the country. Similarly, the state is placed in the 5th position in timely payment under the scheme.
- The state has been placed in 5th position for time bound completion of labour payment where 92.06% workers fund transfer order has been handed over to Government of India.
- National average for Work completion (labour budget progress) is 79 % and for labour payment it is 85.74%.
MNREG Act 2005provides at least 100 days of employment to rural households with legal framework and on rights-based approach. Salient features: 1. Rights based framework: For adult members of a rural household who is willing to do unskilled manual work 2. Time bound guarantee: within 15 days for employment, else unemployment allowance 3. Guaranteed employment: up to 100 days in a financial year 4. Labour intensive work: 60:40 ratio to be maintained for wage and materials at every Panchayats, no contractors or machinery to be involved 5. Decentralized planning: Gram Sabhas to recommend works, 50% works by Gram Panchayat for execution 6. Work site facilities: facilities like shade, drinking water, first aid, etc, to be provided at the work sites 7. Women empowerment: at least 1/3 beneficiaries to be women 8. Transparency and accountability: proactive disclosure through social audits, Grievance Redressal Mechanism 9. Funding: 90% by the Central Govt, 10% by respective State Implementation: At least 50% of works in terms of expenditure to be executed by the Gram Panchayat (GP). Other implementation agencies can be Intermediate Panchayats, Govt Agencies, PSUs, NGOs, etc. Transparency and Grievance Redressal: Ombudsman (at District Level) to be appointed by State Govt, who will be a well- known person from civil society independent of central or state govt He receives complaints from the workers and facilitates their disposal Proactive disclosure of information through Citizen Information Boards, attendance, wage paid, etc. |