jainism and buddhism

Jainism and Buddhism

Jainism and Buddhism are two ancient Indian religions that developed in Magadha Kingdom and continue to thrive in the modern times. Mahavira and Gautama Buddha are generally accepted as contemporaries (5th century BCE). Jainism and Buddhism share many features, terminology and…

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Vedic Civilization

Vedic Civilization started with the arrival of Aryans into the Indian Sub-continent and settled in the Indus region (known as land of seven rivers ‘Saptasindhu’) around 1500 BC from Central…

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(Practice Quiz) CG PSC 2012 Pre (Paper 1)

Attempt this in time-limit to have a feel of real examination.

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circle sector

Relation between Arc, Radius and Central Angle

As shown in the diagram, Consider a circle with centre O and AOB being the sector with sector angle θ and arc APB. Length of the arc of a sector…

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Systems of Measuring Angles

The following three different systems of units are used in the measurement of trigonometrical angles :  (a) Sexagesimal System (or English System)  (b) Centesimal System (or French System)  (c) Circular…

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Contribution of Indian Mathematicians

Aryabhata (5th– 6th century AD, Patliputra) 2015 (20’) 2012 (40’) Aryabhata is the author of several treatises on mathematics and astronomy. Some of the important works are Aryabhatiya and Arya-siddhanta. Major Contribution to…

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Schedules of the Constitution

Schedules are lists in the Constitution of India that categorize activities and policy of the Government. Indian Constitution had originally eight schedules, which with further additions became twelve as of…

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Amendment of the Constitution

Art 368 deals with the powers of the Parliament to amend the Constitution and its procedure. The amendment procedure laid down is rigid and flexible; flexible to include the changed…

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Emergency Provisions in the Constitution

Art 352- Art 360 deal with emergency provisions, incorporated to safeguard the sovereignty, unity and integrity of the country. These provisions empower the Union Govt to meet certain unforeseen emergencies…

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Official Language- Language of the Union and Regional Languages

Part XVII (Art 343- 351) deals with Language of the Union and Regional Languages. Provisions are divided into four heads: 1. Language of Union: Hindi written in Devanagari script is to…

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