Right to Constitutional Remedies (Writs)
Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art 32): Heart and Soul of Constitution An effective mechanism for enforcement of Fundamental Rights It gives the right to move to Supreme Court (or High…
(Practice Quiz) CG PSC 2011 Pre (GS Questions)
Attempt this quiz containing questions from CGPSC Prelims 2011 Paper (only General Studies Questions.) WpAdvQuiz 20]
Fundamental Duties
Constitution Part IVA (Art 51A) enumerates 11 fundamental duties (last added in 2002), inspired from Russia They are reminders to the citizens about moral and civic duties they owe towards…
Directive Principles of State Policy
Part IV (Art 35- 51A) details them, idea borrowed from Irish Constitution With Fundamental Rights, DPSPs are known as the ‘Conscience of the Constitution’. It contains a set of positive…
Constitution: Preamble
The American Constitution was the first to begin with a Preamble. It is based on the Objective Resolution drafted by Pt Nehru. Experts call it as the ‘soul of Constitution’,…
Fundamental Rights
Covered in Article 12-35, called as the ‘Magna Carta of India’ They are fundamental in the sense that they are most essential for the all round development of the individuals….
Salient Features of Constitution
Structure of Constitution 1. Lengthiest written constitution With principle of governance, detailed administrative provisions 2. Adapted from nations experiences Borrowed with modifications suited to Indian context, avoiding their faults 3….
National and Per Capita Income
GDP ≡ Sum total of gross value added of all the firms in the economy GNP ≡ GDP + Net factor income from abroad Model (02) Net factor income from…
(Solved Papers) CG PSC 2017 Pre (Paper 1)
1. If the president of Zilla Panchayat is suspended, what will be happened? 1. The Vice president of Zilla Panchayat will be act as acting President 2. The…
Fiscal Policy: Budget, Fiscal Deficit, Public Debt
Fiscal policy means the use of taxation and public expenditure by the government for stabilization or growth of the economy. Fiscal policy of India always has two objectives, namely improving the…