Indian Constitution through Article 17 abolished “Untouchability” and its practice in any form is forbidden. To enforce the Article, Parliament has an enacted Untouchability (Offences) Act, 1955 which was amended with more stringent provisions in 1976 and renamed as the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955.
Any offence committed in relation to a member of Schedule Caste is presumed to be committed on the ground of “untouchability” and is punishable with imprisonment and (or) fine. There is no provision for compromise under this Act.
Civil Rights means any right accruing to a person by reason of the abolition of untouchability by Article 17 of the Constitution.
Table of contents |
1. Salient Features of the Act 2. Important Sections of the Act 3. Questions from CGPSC Mains Examinations |
Salient Features
Violator shall be punishable with imprisonment for one month to six months and also with fine for:
- Religious Disabilities:
- Any person cannot be prevented from entering any place of public worship including rivers, Ghats, tanks etc, on the ground of ‘untouchability’.
- Social Disabilities: Certain disabilities cannot be enforced on the ground of ‘untouchability’ with regard to,
- Access and services of public places, public conveyance
- Practice of any occupation, buying any goods and services
- Observance of any social or religious custom, jewellery and finery, etc.
- For refusing to sell goods or services, the licence to trade or business shall stand cancelled.
- Compulsory Labour:
- If someone compels any person, on the ground of “untouchability”, to do any scavenging or sweeping shall be deemed to have enforced a disability arising out of “untouchability”.
- Other Offences:
- Any person cannot be prevented from exercising any right accruing to him by reason of the abolition of “untouchability” under Article 17 of the Constitution.
- If someone molests, injures, annoys, obstructs or causes or attempts to cause obstruction, boycotts any person; by words or by signs violates the act.
- If someone incites any to practice “untouchability” in any form, is deemed to violate the act and attracts punishment.
Duty of Government:
- The Central Government is empowered to make rules to carry out the provisions of this Act.
- The Central Government has to place on the Table of each House of Parliament a report on the measures taken by itself and by the State Governments.
- If after an inquiry the State Government is satisfied that the inhabitants of an area are involved in any offence punishable under this Act, the Government may impose a collective fine on the inhabitants.
- It prescribes duty of State Government to ensure that the rights accruing from the abolition of
“untouchability” may be availed of by the concerned persons like- Legal aid to the victims, appointment of supervision officers, setting up special courts
- Committees for better implementation, surveys etc.
Duty of Judiciary:
- Every offence punishable under this Act is cognizable (arrest without a warrant) and every such offence may be tried summarily (speedily), except where it is punishable with imprisonment for a minimum term exceeding three months.
- No legal proceeding can be taken against the Central Government or a State Government for anything done in good faith under this Act.
Important Sections of the Act
Sections | Provisions |
Section 3 | Punishment for enforcing religious disabilities |
Section 4 | Punishment for enforcing social disabilities |
Section 5 | Punishment for refusing to admit persons to hospitals, etc |
Section 6 | Punishment for refusing to sell goods or render services |
Section 7 | Punishment for other offences arising out of untouchability |
Section 10 | Abetment of offence (or negligence) Section 10A: Power of State Government to impose collective fine |
Questions from CGPSC Mains Examinations |
2021 What is the definition of ‘Civil Rights’ and ‘Hotels’ under the Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1955? (02 marks) सिविल अधिकार संरक्षण अधिनियम, 1955 के अंतर्गत ‘सिविल अधिकार एवं ‘होटल की क्या परिभाषा दी गई है? (02 अंक) |