1. Which of the following the Nava Anjora Programme is related to?
1. Rural Electrification
2. Solar Project
3. Programme of Blind Child
4. Rural Industries
5. None of these
It aimed to removal of poverty in rural areas.
2. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
List-I List-II
(District) (Minerals)
1. Koria – Coal
2. Raipur – Diamond
3. Raigarh – Iron Ore
4. Sarguja – Gold
5. None of these
It was scrapped.
3. In which of the following groups of rivers of Chhattisgarh, sequence of rivers in descending order of length is correct?
1. Indravati, Sheonath, Rihand, Mand
2. Sheonath, Indravati, Mand, Rihand
3. Indravati, Sheonath, Mand, Rihand
4. Sheonath, Indravati, Rihand, Mand
5. None of these
4. Montreal Protocol is related with
1. To protect the ozone layer depletion
2. Global warming
3. Acid rain
4. Photochemical smog
5. None of these
The Montreal Protocol, finalized in 1987, is a global agreement to protect the stratospheric ozone layer by phasing out the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons.
5. What was the title of declaration letter of Rio-20?
1. The future we want
2. The future we seek
3. The future we have
4. The future we see
5. None of these
6. Who was main Leader of Gattasilli satyagrah in Chhattisgarh?
1. Shri Narayan Rao Meghawale
2. Shri Nathuji Jagtap
3. Above mentioned both
4. Shri Vaman Rao Lakhe
5. None of these
In the year 1930 in Village Themli of Sihawa of Dhamtari 800 cattle were cought by the forest Department for grazing in the reserved forest. They were kept in the Gattasilli Kanji house. Narayan Meghawale, Jagtap and Chhotelal went to Gattasilli with 25 revolutionaries. When the police tired to disperse them they laid on the ground in front of the Kanji House. The police poured boiling water on them but they did not disperse. Finally the administration returned the cattle without payment of any fine.
7. Match List-1 with List-2
List- 1 List- 2
(Event of Chhattisgarh during
Quit India Movement) (Related Person)
A. Raipur Conspiracy Case 1. Iswari Charan Shukla
B. Raipur Dynamite Case 2. Raghunandan Singral
C. Fire in Durg District Court 3. Ranvir Singh Shastri
D. Students’ procession in Raipur 4. Parasram Soni
1. 4 3 1 2
2. 4 2 3 1
3. 4 1 3 2
4. 4 1 2 3
5. 4 2 1 3
8. In which of the following years Chhattisgarh became a Division of the Central Province?
1. 1860
2. 1862
3. 1863
4. 1865
5. None of these
9. Revolts at the following places occurred during the Maratha rule in Chhattisgarh
1. Dhamdha
2. Bargarh
3. Kawardha
4. Tarapur
Choose the correct answer:
1. 1, 2, 3
2. 2, 3, 4
3. 1, 2, 4
4. 1, 3, 4
5. None of these
10. Which of the following is correct order of the Himalayan ranges from south to north in the western section?
1. The Great Himalaya- Lesser Himalaya- Siwalik
2. The Siwalik- Lesser Himalaya- Great Himalaya
3. The Lesser Himalaya- Great Himalaya- Siwalik
4. The Siwalik- Great Himalaya- Lesser Himalaya
5. None of these
11. ‘Hockey World League Final 2015’ was played in Raipur of Chhattisgarh. How many counties teams including India participated in it?
1. 5
2. 6
3. 7
4. 8
5. None of these
12. How many times Chhattisgarh received Krishi Karman Award for best performance in production and productivity of paddy?
1. Three times
2. Two times
3. Four times
4. One time
5. None of these
13. Bhairamgarh Sanctuary is in which District?
1. Bijapur
2. Dantewada
3. Kabirdham
4. Jashpur
5. None of these
14. Which dancer of Chhattisgarh got the first position in Kuchipudi dance in 20th National Youth Fest?
1. Anisha Sinha
2. Ruchi Krishnan
3. Milli Verma
4. Aneshwara
5. None of these
15. Which District has the least interstate boundary in the State?
1. Dhamtari
2. Raigarh
3. Jashpur
4. Rajnandgaon
5. None of these
16. Match the following List- I (Name of sanctuary) with List- II (District):
List- I List- II
(Name of sanctuary) (District)
1. Semarsot A. Raigarh
2. Badalkhol B. Dhamtari
3. Gomarda C. Balrampur
4. Sita Nadi D. Jashpur
Choose the correctly matched group of districts out of the following:
1 2 3 4
1. A B C D
2. C D A B
3. C B A D
4. D A C B
5. None of these
17. Kondagaon is situated on the bank of which river?
1. Shabari
2. Doodh River
3. Narangi
4. Indrawati
5. None of these
18. The hills of Ramgiri are part of these mountain series
1. Vindhyachal
2. Satpura
3. Maikal
4. Sahyadri
5. None of these
19. Judicial Review in the Indian Constitution is based on
1. Due Process of Law
2. Procedure Established by Law
3. Rule of Law
4. Precedents and Conventions
5. None of these
Though the phrase nowhere finds mention in the constitution, many articles explicitly mandate the laws to be in concurrence with the constitutional provisions and power the SC to examine for. However, SC can examine any order on the basis of ‘procedure established by law’ i.e.: It is not expected to go into the question of efficacy or policy implications.
20. Article 370 of Indian Constitution is
1. A regular provision
2. A permanent provision
3. A temporary and transitional provision
4. An acting provision
5. None of these
21. What is not correct about Gram Sabha?
i. 1/10 Quorum is essential in the meeting of Gram Sabha
ii. The presence of 1/3 women is essential in the meeting of Gram Sabha
iii. Sarpanch and Panch are responsible for Quorum
iv. The meeting of Gram Sabha can be adjourned in the absence of Quorum
v. Quorum is essential in adjourned meeting
vi. Budget can be passed in the adjourned meeting where Quorum is not present
vii. Audit report can be passed in the adjourned meeting where Quorum is not present
viii. Sarpach can be dismissed if Quorum is not present in five subsequent meetings of Gram Sabha
1. i iii v
2. iii vi viii
3. iv vii viii
4. v vi vii
5. vi vii viii
The meeting of Gram Sabha can be adjourned in the absence of Quorum and budget can not be passed in the adjourned meeting in the absence of Quorum.
22. What is not correct about Gram Panchayat?
i. The maximum strength is 20 Panch in a Gram Panchayat
ii. If 15 Panchs are elected in Gram Panchayat, then 5 Panchs are nominated
iii. The Presidnet of Janpad Panchayat nominates 5 Panchs
iv. The strength may be 10 Panchs in a Gram Panchayat
v. If equal votes are found in the election of Panch it is decided by lott
vi. Nominated members can participate in the meeting and vote
1. i iv vi
2. iii v vi
3. ii iii vi
4. iv v vi
5. None of these
No Panch is nominated in Gram Panchayat.
23. Who presides over the meeting of Gram Sabha in Schedule Areas?
1. Sarpanch
2. Deputy Sarpanch
3. Sarpanch or Deputy Sarpanch
4. Schedule Tribe member present who is elected by Gram Sabha
5. None of these
24. In the last Panchayat Election State Election Commission had decided the colour ballot paper, match it.
1. Panch A. Blue
2. Sarpanch B. Pink
3. Member of
Janpad Panchayat C. White
4. Member of Zila
Panchayat D. Yellow
1. i iii iv ii
2. iii iv i ii
3. ii iv i iii
4. i ii iii iv
5. None of these
25. Under which Article of the Constitution can the Governor refer any bill for the approval of the President?
1. Article 166
2. Article 200
3. Article 239
4. Article 240
5. None of these
26. Which of the following National Waterways connects Kottapuram with Kollam?
1. Ganga- Bhagirathi- Hugli Waterways
2. Brahmaputra river Waterways
3. Kerala Coastal Canal Waterways
4. Godavari- Krishna Basin Waterways
5. None of these
Present NWs:• NW-1: Allahabad-Haldia (on Ganga river) • NW-2: Sadiya- Dhubri (on Brahmaputra river) • NW-3: Kollam- Kottaipuram (on West Coast Canal) • NW-4: Kakinada- Puducherry (on Godavari-Krishna canal) • NW-5: Goenkhali (WB)- Talcher (on Brahmani, East Coast Canal) • NW-6: Manipur being developed (on Barak river)
27. Which of the following is not correct pair of waterfall and area of its location?
1. Amritdhara waterfall- Korea
2. Satdhara waterfall- Mungeli
3. Ranidaraha waterfall- Sukma
4. Chitrakoot waterfall- Bastar
5. None of these
Satdhara waterfall is in Bijapur on the river Indravati.
28. In which of the following groups, the sequence of the districts in descending order of sex ratio as per 2011 Census is correct?
1. Dantewada- Rajnandgaon- Kondgaon
2. Dantewada- Kondagaon- Rajnandgaon
3. Rajnandgaon- Kondagaon- Dantewada
4. Kondagaon- Dantewada- Rajnandgaon
5. None of these
29. Match the following List- I with the List- II.
List- I List- II
(District) (%of population)
1. Durg A. 18.65
2. Dhamtari B. 59.08
3. Rajnandgaon C. 64.15
4. Raipur D. 17.73
Choose the correctly matched group out of the following:
1 2 3 4
1. B A C D
2. A B C D
3. C A D B
4. D A C B
5. None of these
30. Out of the following group of districts of Chhattisgarh, districts of which group do not touch the boundaries of other states?
1. Surguja, Dhamtari, janjgir-Champa, Korba
2. Durg, Raipur, Dhamtari, Dantewada
3. Korba, Raipur, Durg, Surguja
4. Dhamtari, Durg, Raipur, Janjgir-Champa
5. None of these
31. What is percentage of small and marginal farmers in Chhattisgarh State as per Agricultural Census 2010-11?
1. 73 percent
2. 74 percent
3. 76 percent
4. 78 percent
5. None of these
32. What is the growth rate of agriculture and animal husbandry of Chhattisgarh in the year 2014-15 at constant prices under quick estimates?
1. 4.88 percent
2. 1.65 percent
3. 1.01 percent
4. 2.40 percent
5. None of these
33. In which place of Chhattisgarh, Kisan Shopping Mall is established?
1. Rajnandgaon Mandi
2. Ambikapur Mandi
3. Bilaspur Mandi
4. Jagdalpur Mandi
5. None of these
34. In which Five Year Plan ‘National Horticulture Mission’ was started in Chhattisgarh?
1. 12th Five Year Plan
2. 10th Five Year Plan
3. 9th Five Year Plan
4. 11th Five Year Plan
5. None of these
35. By which of the following according to Advait Vedanta, Mukti can be obtained?
1. Gyana
2. Karma
3. Bhakti
4. Yoga
5. None of these
Advaita Vedanta believes that an enlightened guru, having the knowledge of both the scriptures and Brahman, is indispensable for anyone seeking salvation.
36. Economic Survey of India is related to
1. NITI Ayog
2. Reserve Bank of India
3. Ministry of Finance
4. Finance Commission
5. None of these
37. As per RBI Monetary Policy Review on 29th Sep, 2015, the bank rate was
1. 8.75 percent
2. 6.75 percent
3. 7.75 percent
4. 9.75 percent
5. None of these
Bank rate is the rate charged by RBI for lending funds to commercial banks.
38. If potential difference and current flowing through a wire is increased twice each then electric power
1. Will remain unaffected
2. Will increase four times
3. Will increase two times
4. Will decrease half
5. None of these
Power (P) = Potential Difference (V) x Current (I)
39. Which type of image of an object is formed by eye lense on retina?
1. Erect and real
2. Erect and virtual
3. Inverted and real
4. Inverted and virtual
5. None of these
40. Which of the following is used by dentist to see the image of teeth of a patient?
1. Concave lense
2. Convex lense
3. Convex mirror
4. Concave mirror
5. None of these
Dentists use concave mirror to see enlarged image of the teeth for examining it. If an object is placed close to a concave mirror it a forms erect and enlarged image of the object. So, the dentist holds the mirror in such a way that the tooth lies within its focus.
41. Singhanpur of Raigarh District is famous for
1. Sculpture
2. Wood craft
3. Silk craft
4. Cave paintings
5. None of these
Singhanpur: There are paintings of men in the shape of sticks and ladders. There are paintings of mermaid, hunting scenes, dances, etc. These paintings are compared with the ladder like man paintings found in Australia.
42. In India per capita net national income (at factor cost) at current prices in the year 2013-14 was
1. Rs. 73,450
2. Rs. 72,580
3. Rs. 74,380
4. Rs. 71,628
5. None of these
43. Who was the Chairman of 14th Finance Commission?
1. Shri Mahaveer Tyagi
2. Shri NKP Salve
3. Prof A.M Khusaro
4. Dr Y V Reddy
5. None of these
44. The most appropriate measure of a country’s economic growth is
1. Per capita real income
2. Gross Domestic Product
3. Net National Product
4. Net Domestic Product
5. None of these
45. The share of income tax in Gross Domestic Product in the year 2013-14 was
1. 2.1 percent
2. 3.4 percent
3. 2.8 percent
4. 3.3 percent
5. None of these
46. Chemically Vermillion is
1. Calcium Carbonate
2. Potassium Nitrate
3. Potassium Sulphide
4. Mercury (II) Sulphide
5. None of these
47. Which of the following do not react with water at all?
1. Iron
2. Lead
3. Magnesium
4. Aluminium
5. None of these
All react with water someway.
48. ‘Joule’ is related to energy in the same way as ‘Pascal’ is related to
1. Mass
2. Pressure
3. Density
4. Purity
5. None of these
49. What was the contribution of forest in Chhattisgarh State Gross Domestic Product in the year 2014-15 at 2011-12 constant prices?
1. 3.44 percent
2. 4.33 percent
3. 3.02 percent
4. 4.15 percent
5. None of these
50. What is the percentage of land in irrigated land from reservoirs/canals in Chhattisgarh for the year 2013-14?
1. 35.0 percent
2. 34.2 percent
3. 55.0 percent
4. 52.0 percent
5. None of these
51. What is the meaning of Chhattisgarhi idiom ‘Kariya Achchar Bhains Barabar’?
1. Bhains (Buffalo)
2. Macchar (Mosquito)
3. Appad (Illiterate)
4. Gadaha (Donkey)
5. None of these
52. Who is the famous Artist of ‘Kabir Gyan’ in Chhattisgarh?
1. Smt Tijan Bai
2. Bharti Bandhu
3. Devadas Banjare
4. Smt Mamta Chandrakar
5. None of these
The members of Bharti Bandhu are GCD Bharti, Vivekanand Bharti, G Ramanand Bharti and C Vidrumna Vachaspati Bharti. Bharti Bandhu sing Sufi songs and the verses of Kabir. GCD Bharti was honored by the Government of India, in 2013, with the fourth highest Indian civilian award of Padma Shri.
53. ‘Pandawani’ gayan is based on which granth?
1. Shrimadbhagwat
2. Ramayan
3. Mahabharat
4. Shivpuran
5. None of these
Pandavani (lit.: Songs and Stories of the Pandavas) is a folk singing style involving narration of tales from Mahabharata. Bhima, the second of the Pandava is the hero of the story in this style. Jhaduram Dewangan and Teejan Bai are the most renowned singers of this style. Among contemporary artists, Ritu Verma is popular along with others such as Shantibai Chelak and Usha Barle.
54. Where is the birth place of ‘Mahaprabhu Vallabhacharya’?
1. Shivrinarayan
2. Bilaspur
3. Ratanpur
4. Champaranya
5. None of these
55. Raja Chakradhar Singh is famous for development of which dance?
1. Katthak
2. Katthakali
3. Kaksad
4. Karma
5. None of these
He was the Raja of Raigarh, the Raigarh Gharana of Kathak was established by him during his reign, which produced many luminaries, dancers, singers and musicians due to his patronage and philanthropy. Among the noted Kathak exponents to have served his court were Pandit Jaggannath Prasad of Jaipur Gharana and Guru Kalaka Prasad and his sons of Lucknow Gharana. Among the dancers and musicians to have performed or served his court were Pandit Makhan Lal Chaturvedi, Dr. Ramkumar Verma, Pandit Mahaveer Prasad Dwivedi, Pandit Padumlal Punnalal Bakshi.
Chakradhar Singh was himself a great exponent of tabla and pakhawaj. He was given title of Sangit Samrat by the Viceroy Lord Linlithgow at All India Music Conference in 1939.
56. Who are main characters of folk lyric ‘Chandaini’?
1. Ranjha- Heer
2. Dushyant- Shakuntala
3. Lorik- Chanda
4. Nal- Damyanti
5. None of these
The tale of Chandaini, or Lorik Chanda tells the story of the romance of an Ahir hero Lorik and Rajpur princess Chanda, who was already married. It emphasizes different elements of the narrative—the bravery of Laurik as a Ahir hero who defends the honour of his caste, the intrepidity of Chanda who steers the course of the love story between Laurik and herself, or the many challenges faced by Laurik and Chanda when they elope.
The story was moulded into a masnavi (or a Sufi tale) with mystical overtones in the Chandayana, composed by Mulla Daud in the 14th century. The story is also mentioned by Elliot and he has also given authentic history of Ahir caste in this context.
57. Where is the ‘Dhankul Song’ sung?
1. Bastar District
2. Surguja District
3. Bilaspur District
4. Raipur District
5. None of these
Dhankul Song is associated with the invocation to the goddess Danteshwari. Dhankul is a string-instrument of the shape of a bow, which is played by women.
58. Who sings the ‘Bans Geet’?
1. Dewar
2. Basadeva
3. Raut
4. Bhat
5. None of these
Based on ‘Compassion’, Bans Geet is mainly sung by people of Raut or Ahir caste.There is a singer and two persons called “Ragi” and “Dehi” playing bamboos with him.
59. Who celebrates the ‘Matar’ festival?
1. Cultivator
2. Yadav (Raut)
3. Fisherman
4. Weaver
5. None of these
Matar Festival is traditionally celebrated by Raut (Yadav) community on the third day of Diwali. They worship their God ‘Khodhar Dev’ which is made from wood.
60. What is the meaning of Chhattisgarhi riddle:
Kari gay, Kalinder khya |
Duhte jay, Panhate jay ||?
1. Kalinder Khana (Eating watermelon)
2. Janta (mill stone)
3. Kunwa (well)
4. Gay (cow)
5. None of these
61. Which of the following is unitary element in Indian Federal System?
i. Decentralization of powers
ii. Appointment of Governors
iii. Unequal representation in Rajya Sabha
iv. Judicial Review
v. All India Services
vi. Bicameral Legislature
1. i iii vi
2. ii iii v
3. iii v vi
4. ii iv v
5. None of these
62. On which matter, it is not essential to take advise from council of ministers for President?
1. Appointment of Ambassadors
2. To assent on bills
3. To assent on bills referred from Governors
4. To dissolve Lok Sabha
5. To assent on constitutional amendment bills
Discretionary powers of President:• Invitation to become Prime Minister • Dissolution of Lok Sabha when no majority • Absolute Veto: Withholding his assent absolutely (private bills, when govt resigns) • Suspensive Veto: Can ask for reconsideration • Pocket Veto: No timeframe mentioned to sign the bill (e.g. Indian Post Office Bill 1986)
63. Which of the following President has exercised a power which is called ‘Pocket Veto’ in constitutional terminology?
1. Dr. Rajendra Prasad
2. V V Giri
3. Gyani Zail Singh
4. Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
5. None of these
Zail Singh, President of India from 1982 until 1987, exercised a pocket veto to prevent the Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill from becoming law. However, the Indian Supreme Court has not upheld the right of presidents to veto bills in this manner.
64. After resigning a Minister needs the permission of whom, to give a personal statement in Lok Sabha about his resignation in India?
1. Prime Minister
2. Speaker
3. President
4. Supreme Court
5. None of these
65. Which book is written by Gopal Kavi of Ratanpur (Chhattisgarh)?
1. Jaimani Ashwamegh
2. Rampratap
3. Bhakti Chintamani
4. All the above
5. None of these
Known as the Valmiki of Hindi Poetry tradition, he was a royal poet at Ratanpur. He is mainly popular for his creation ‘Khub Tamasha’. He also wrote Jaimini Ashwamegh, Sudama Charit, Bhakti Chintamani, and Ram Pratap.
66. In the State Secretariat through which of the following every files have to be sent to the Cabinet?
1. Department Secretary
2. Deputy Secretary
3. Under Secretary
4. Chief Secretary
5. None of these
67. In which State of India Paragliding World Cup 2015 was held?
1. Chhattisgarh
2. Maharashtra
3. Odisha
4. Himachal Pradesh
5. None of these
68. In which State of India the 7th South Asian Ragbi Championship will be hosted in the year 2016?
1. Punjab
2. West Bengal
3. Jammu- Kashmir
4. Karnataka
5. None of these
69. Which Indian female pistol shooter has won the 8th Asian Airgun Championship?
1. Sweta Singh
2. Hina Siddhu
3. Chhunga Hamar
4. Lallakima
5. None of these
70. Which country has made Corporate Social Responsibility Act first?
1. America
2. Russia
3. England
4. India
5. None of these
As per as Corporate Social Responsibility is concerned, the Companies Act, 2013 is a landmark legislation that made India the first country to mandate and quantify CSR expenditure. The inclusion of CSR is an attempt by the government to engage the businesses with the national development agenda.
71. Which of the following phenomenon happens in India when the Sun shines vertically over the Tropic of Capricorn?
1. High pressure develops over North- West India
2. Low pressure develops over North- West India
3. No change in pressure occurs over North- West India
4. Temperature increases in North- West India
5. None of these
72. Which one of the following is the largest linguistic group of India?
1. Sino- Tibetan
2. Indo- Aryan
3. Austro- Asiatic
4. Dravidian
5. None of these
Indo Aryan Group of Languages: It is a branch of the larger Indo European group of languages which came to India with the advent of Aryans. It is the largest language group of India and around 74% Indians speak those languages which belong to this group.
73. Which one of the following states is the largest producer of petroleum in 2013-14?
1. Assam
2. Gujarat
3. Rajasthan
4. Andhra Pradesh
5. None of these
74. Which of the following renewable power resources has highest installed capacity in the country in 2014?
1. Biomass power
2. Solar power
3. Waste to energy
4. Wind power
5. None of these
75. At present, which country of the following is the largest partner of India in total international trade?
1. United Arab Emirate
2. Saudi Arabia
3. United States of America
4. China
5. None of these
76. Which one of the following is not the part of ‘Ashtanga-Yoga’?
1. Anusmriti
2. Pratyahar
3. Dhyana
4. Dharana
5. None of these
Anusmriti means “recollection,” “contemplation,” “remembrance,” “meditation” and “mindfulness.” It refers to specific meditative or devotional practices, such as recollecting the sublime qualities of the Buddha, which lead to mental tranquillity and abiding joy.
77. ‘Samadhi Maran’ is related to which Philosophy?
1. Buddhist Philosophy
2. Jain Philosophy
3. Yoga Philosophy
4. Lokayat Philosophy
5. None of these
The whole concept of Samadhi is merging with consciousness through different means in Jainism.
78. The famous book ‘Foundation of Indian Culture’ is authorized by
1. Ravindranath Tagore
2. Shri Aurobindo
3. Radhakrishnan
4. Bhagwan Das
5. None of these
79. Kailash temple of Ellora was constructed by
1. Gonvind III
2. Krishna I
3. Krishna II
4. Krishna III
5. None of these
80. Where the word ‘Stupa’ has been used for the first time?
1. Rigveda
2. Jatak Katha
3. Artha Shastra
4. Astadhyayee
5. None of these
81. In which year was the first cloth mill established in Bombay?
1. 1842
2. 1845
3. 1850
4. 1854
5. None of these
82. In which ground of Bombay the proposal was passed for ‘Quit India Movement’?
1. Marine Drive ground
2. Kala Ghoda ground
3. Chamboor ground
4. Gwaliya Tank
5. None of these
His speech was issued at the Gowalia Tank Maidan park in Bombay (now Mumbai), since renamed August Kranti Maidan (August Revolution Ground).
83. Who was the first ruler of Ratanpur Kalchuri Branch in Raipur?
1. Brahmadeo
2. Ramachandra
3. Mohan Singh
4. Ajit Singh
5. None of these
84. In which year Jatra Oraon started Tana Bhagat Movement?
1. 1919
2. 1917
3. 1914
4. 1922
5. None of these
Tana Bhagat Movement (1914-1919) was a tribal uprising of a section of the Tana Bhagats and Oraons under the leadership of Jatra Oraon occurring during the late colonial period in the Chhotanagpur region of Bihar, India. The Tana Bhagats opposed the taxes imposed on them by the British and they staged a Satyagraha (civil disobedience movement) even before Gandhi’s satyagraha movement.
85. On 21st Jan, 1922 which satyagraha was organized in Sihava Nagari?
1. Individual Satyagraha
2. Salt Movement
3. Farmer Movement
4. Jangal Movement
5. None of these
Sihava Jugle Satyagarha: The people of Sihawa in Dhamtari protested against the begari and low wages in January 1922.
86. Which of the following constitute a food-chain?
1. Grass, wheat and mango
2. Grass, goat and human
3. Goat, cow and elephant
4. Grass, fish and goat
5. None of these
87. The most important indoor air pollutant is
1. Sulpher dioxide
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Nitrogen dioxide
4. Radon gas
5. None of these
Radon is a major source of indoor air pollution and is the cause of tens of thousands of deaths annually in world. Radon and its daughters are the leading cause of lung cancer in non-smokers.
88. Chernobyl accident is related with
1. Nuclear accident
2. Earthquake
3. Flood
4. Acid rain
5. None of these
89. Combustion of petrol in automobiles pollute air by producing following metal
1. Mercury
2. Cadmium
3. Lead
4. Carbon dioxide
5. None of these
90. In ‘Digital India Week’ organized at Delhi in July 2015, which State received first position for remarkable work done in the field of Information Technology?
1. Himachal Pradesh
2. Delhi
3. Meghalaya
4. Chhattisgarh
5. None of these
91. In which of the following site remnants of three townships have been revealed?
1. Mohenjodaro
2. Sanghol
3. Kali Bangan
4. Dhoulavira
5. None of these
92. Who is the author of Shahjahannama?
1. Gulbadan Begum
2. Shahjahan
3. Abdul Hamid Lahori
4. Inayat Khan
5. None of these
Inayat Khan (1628-1671) was a historian during the Mughal Empire who authoroed Shahjahannama the chronicled life of Mughal emperor Shah Jahan.
93. QuestionWho was the first president of the Muslim League?
1. Agha Khan
2. Hamid Khan
3. Hasan Khan
4. M A Jinnah
5. None of these
Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah (Aga Khan III) was appointed the first honorary president of the Muslim League, though he did not attend the Dhaka inaugural session.
94. In which of the following places Akbar was enthroned on getting the information of Humayun’s death?
1. Kabul
2. Lahore
3. Sarhind
4. Kalanour
5. None of these
Akbar succeeded Humayun on 14 February 1556, while in the midst of a war against Sikandar Shah to reclaim the Mughal throne. In Kalanaur, Punjab, the 14-year-old Akbar was enthroned by Bairam Khan.
95. Who was the first woman president of the Indian National Congress?
1. Sarojini Naidu
2. Sucheta Kriplani
3. Rajkumari Amrit Kaur
4. Annie Besant
5. None of these
Annie Besant was the first woman president of INC where Sarojini Naidu was the first Indian woman president of INC, while Sonia Gandhi is the longest serving president.
96. In which place the climate change conference was held in the year 2015?
1. Paris
2. Quata
3. Bon
4. Colombo
5. None of these
97. What is the object of Green Highway Policy?
1. Tree plantation
2. Poverty alleviation
3. To provide health facilities
4. To increase the enrolment of drop out students
5. None of these
98. When the Chhattisgarh State Electricity Board was instituted?
1. 15th November, 2000
2. 15th November, 2001
3. 15th November, 2002
4. 15th November, 2003
5. None of these
99. Match the following List- I and List- II
List- I List- II
(Industrial Development
Centre) (District)
1. Siltara A. Bilaspur
2. Borai B. Raigarh
3. Sirgitti C. Durg
4. Lara D. Raipur
Choose the correct answer from the following groups:
1 2 3 4
1. B C A D
2. A C D B
3. C A B D
4. D C A B
5. None of these
100. Match the following List- I and List- II
List- I List- II
(Irrigation Project) (River)
1. Sanjay Gandhi Project A. Pairi
2. Rajiv Gandhi Project B. Mahanadi
3. Dudhawa Project C. Kharang
4. Sikasar Project D. Maniyari
Choose the correct answer from the following groups:
1 2 3 4
1. A B C D
2. B A C D
3. C A B D
4. C D B A
5. None of these