Category: PSC Pre
Relation between Center and States: Executive (Administrative)
The Constitution of India, being federal in structure, in Part XI divides powers- legislative, administrative, financial- between the Center and the States.The Center- State relations can be divided under three…
Relation between Center and States: Legislative
The Constitution of India, being federal in structure, in Part XI divides powers- legislative, administrative, financial- between the Center and the States.The Centre- State relations can be divided under three…
(Solved Papers) CG PSC 2019 Pre (Paper 1)
1. As on October 2019, how many Maharatna Companies are there in India? A. 08 B. 09 C. 10 D. 12 2. Digital Economy Report 2019 issued first…
Final Gyan for CGPSC Pre 2019
Dear aspirants, This is the time to go for few rounds of revisions. While few aspirants might wish they had more time before taking the prelims, some might be impatient…
(CGPSC Pre 2019 Test Series) Test-6
Hello aspirants! Test-6 under CGPSC Pre 2019 Test Series is live now. See the complete Schedule. Syllabus: Indian Philosophy, Art, Literature & Culture Literature, Music, Dance, Art and Culture, Idioms…
CGPSC Pre 2019 Test Series (Schedule: 12 Tests Free)
CG Competition Point is soon going to launch an Online Test Series (Free) for the aspirants of CGPSC Pre 2019 for Paper-1 (General Studies). Only registered users will be allowed…
Constitutional Development of India (1773-1950)
Background 1765 East India Company obtained ‘Diwani’ (revenue and civil rights) and company rule started in India. There were many steps taken to administer and regulate company affairs in India…
Mission CGPSC 2019 | Week-5
Hi aspirants, Due to some unavoidable issues, we could not post the Weekly Quiz regularly. We are back and here is the Quiz-5 to be attempted. Please share your marks…
Mission CGPSC 2019 | Week-4
Here is the Week-4 Quiz! Please share your marks and remember to go through the explanations. In case you have something to be asked or discussed, use comments section. Enjoy…
Mission CGPSC 2019 | Week-3
Hello folks! Week-3 Quiz is ready to be attempted. Please share your marks and remember to go through the explanations. In case you have something to be asked or discussed,…