Dear aspirants,
This is the time to go for few rounds of revisions. While few aspirants might wish they had more time before taking the prelims, some might be impatient to wait for the D-day (9 Feb, 2020).
For those who have filled the form but now think their preparation is not complete: Do not worry about the selection and appear for the exam. There is no harm even if you have to appear again next year as there is no maximum allowed attempts criterion in CGPSC.
While you have 2 hours time for each papers- General Studies and Aptitude, it is very natural that General Studies paper is completed quite well before time and you would be short of time in Aptitude paper. However, since you would not be allowed to leave the exam hall before the stipulated 2 hours time, a planned and wise use of this duration is highly advisable.
Before you take the final shot, here is the final Gyan from our experts:
Before the examination: Admit Card and Exam Center
- Download your admit card and go through every details on it. (in case of any discrepancy report it to the Commission in writing.)
- Read the instructions carefully and find details like ID proof documents, need of affidavit (if any), etc.
- Check your exam center and be aware of its location.
- Do not forget to carry your ID proof in original.
Before the examination: Revision
- Revise only from your notes/highlighted points and try not to read anything new.
- You should also take a re-look (revise) the Test Series comments or points that you have noted or highlighted there.
- Though being anxious or nervous is completely normal, keeping cool all the time is the most important factor for getting success in the examination.
- Try to remember factual details from Chhattisgarh economy, agriculture, census, etc, which you have noted/highlighted from Chhattisgarh Economic Survey.
During the examination: Tricks
- Time management is very important factor for both the papers. In Paper-I (General Studies), attempting a certain number of questions is necessary in order to be selected.
- While attempting Paper-I, guess work does not always. Therefore, in the first round, attempt those questions only where you are damn sure about the correct answer.
- After the first round, have an idea of how many questions you have attempted. You should go for a second round, with questions where some of the options may be eliminated. Never go for a blind guess.
- The cut off is normally in the range 90-120 marks, attempt accordingly.
Paper-II (Aptitude)
- Paper-II is qualifying in nature, so obtaining 33% is mandatory in order to qualify for the exam.
- In this paper, speed matters a lot. However, since you have 2 hours time, even if your speed is slow, it would not be a problem for you to obtain the minimum marks.
- In the first round, go for the easier questions with a high level of alertness.
- Do not attempt, lengthier questions in the first round. You might not need to attempt them at all.
- Obtaining 66 marks that means 33 correct attempts is the must. Therefore, even attempting just 50 questions would be enough to qualify this paper. So, focus on accuracy and not on speed.
During the entire duration before and after the examination, we again emphasize that keeping cool all the time is the most important factor for getting success in the examination.
Be relaxed about the results and keep your admit card safe. Many people find it difficult to recover their roll number when results are announced. 🙂
Enjoy Preparation!
With Best Wishes,
Team CG Competition Point