(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-VI: Philosophy (दर्शनशास्त्र)
Paper- VI (General Studies- IV: Philosophy and Sociology) Part 01: Philosophy Indian Philosophy: Nature of Philosophy, its relation between religion and culture, difference between Indian and western Philosophy 2021 1. Discuss…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: History of India (भारत का इतिहास)
Paper- III (General Studies- I: History, Constitution and Public Administration) (200 Marks) Part 01: History of India (75 Marks) Ancient History 2022 1. Describe the Granary of Harappan period. (02…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-III: Constitution and Public Administration (संविधान एवं लोकप्रशासन)
Paper- III (General Studies- I: History, Constitution and Public Administration) Part 02: Constitution Constitution of India: Constitutional development of India (1773-1950) 2022 1. Write any two features of the Indian Councils Act 1892. (02…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-V: Geography of India (भारत का भूगोल)
Paper–V (General Studies- III: Economics and Geography) Part 02: Geography of India Physical Geography 2022 1. What are ‘Tarai’ and ‘Bhabar’? (02 marks) ‘तराई’ और ‘भाबर’ क्या हैं? (02 अंक)…
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-IV: General Science (सामान्य विज्ञान)
Paper– IV (General Studies- II: Science, Aptitude and Environment) Part 01: General Science (75 Marks) Chemistry Rate of chemical reaction and chemical equilibrium: Preliminary knowledge of rate of chemical reaction….
(Topic-Wise Mains Papers) Paper-IV: Applied and Behavioral Science (एप्लाईड एवं व्यवहारिक विज्ञान)
Paper– IV (General Studies- II: Science, Aptitude and Environment) Part 03: Applied and Behavioral Science Technology: Role of Information Technology in Rural India, basic knowledge of computers, computers in communication…
CGPSC State Service (Prelims) 2023 Results Declared
CGPSC State Service 2023 for total of 243 posts in 17 services/departments was advertised. The Prelims Examination was held on 11 February 2024, the results were declared today with total…
Issues related to Girls’ Education (बालिकाओं की शिक्षा से संबन्धित मुद्दे)
Girls’ education is a strategic development priority. It is an important tool that enables women and girls to participate in decisions that affect their lives and in improving their social…
(Vedic Mathematics) (वैदिक गणित) Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division and Vinculum (जोड़ना, घटाना, गुना, भाग तथा विंकुलम)
Vedic Sutras 1. Ekadhiken Purven (एकाधिकेन पूर्वेण): Increasing (एकाधिक) a number to the digit which comes before (पूर्व) For example, Edadhik of 12 It is represented by a dot on…
(Practice Quiz) CG PSC 2021 Pre (Paper 1)
This test contains questions from CGPSC 2021 Pre-Examination. Attempt this in time-limit to have a feel of real examination.